Plumbing shop drawings are technical drawings of fresh water supply pipes as well as solid and liquid water waste pipes with pipe dimensions, plumbing fixtures marked with appropriate color coding. Plumbing shops are part of our core MEP engineering services offered to plumbing contractors and fabricators. Our carefully generated shop drawings offer a high level of detailing for the smooth and efficient fabrication and installation of plumbing systems. Our 3D MEP coordination services help to detect and resolve discrepancies and clashes between various mechanical systems before they are assembled at site.

Plumbing shop drawings

Our Plumbing Services:

Plumbing shop drawings by Advenser
Plumbing shop drawings by Advenser

Our Plumbing modelers have in-depth knowledge in mechanical machine shop processes of various elements and know the importance of precision in preparing the plumbing fabrication drawings. They have a broad experience coordinating and collaborating various MEP systems in a diverse range of projects. Our teams use their rich and versatile experience to utilize the right blend of technical expertise and strategies that are most suited for a project. Well versed and experienced in all the leading MEP BIM software tools, they can easily adapt to the client’s choice of software and practices. We extract the plumbing shop drawings from the integrated MEP BIM model after resolving the clashes between individual trades which means that a design change made in one system is automatically updated and reflected across the entire MEP model.

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