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Construction documentation is the process of developing, refining and documenting design drawings with additional detailing such as product & material specifications, contract requirements and installation details. Construction documents or CD sets, as they are often referred to, provide essential information for the building design and construction and serve the purpose of building permit application, bidding and construction contract administration. Regardless of the building type or design, we are experts in preparing detailed Construction Documents that help contractors and construction professionals make sense of the design from a sea of information associated with the project. We utilize BIM to prepare comprehensive and accurate CD sets for various engineering trades and help communicate the design intent.

Construction Documentation set for commerical projects by Advenser

Our architectural, structural and MEP engineers collaborate for developing integrated design model for all trades and generating coordinated construction drawings of each trade. We provide CD sets for architectural design, structural engineering, mechanical & plumbing systems, lighting and landscape. Our modelers adopt a thoroughly systematic approach and collaborate efficiently for preparing the drawings using innovative project management applications.

Architectural Construction Drawings

They consist of a bunch of different drawings such as Floor Plans, Site drawings, Landscape drawings & Slab edge Plans. Preparation of CD sets is the last stage of the architectural design process and are more detailed than the concept design drawings.

General Notes

Floor Plans

Roof plans


Door and windows schedule sheet

Interior elevations

Finish Drawings

Site Plan

Reflected Ceiling Plans (RCP)

Building Sections

Wall sections

Typical details sheet

Landscape drawings

architectural drawing for a commercial building
Architectural Construction drawing done by Advenser
CD Sets- Plan Detailing Drawings done by Advenser
Our architectural detailers understand that construction documents are the project blueprints and illustrate every technical aspect in the form of drawings and specifications with due diligence and care. We ensure that the construction drawings we produce give a clear view of entire building, how it is to be built, materials used and installation technology required.
Architecture CD Sets by Advenser

Structural Construction Drawings

Structural construction drawings will have additional details showing the locations, sizes, spacing details and materials specification of structural elements. They also provide details of the fixing system of structural members to each another and to the structure.
Structural CD sets drawings By Advenser

Our structural modelers ensure the structural CD sets are exactly in line with the engineer’s perspective by precisely illustrating the location, anchoring and assembling details of beam, columns, slabs, footings, girders, rafters, bracings, joists and struts. Advenser provides structural documentation services for steel, precast, reinforced concrete, brickwork and structural timber.

General Notes

Foundation details

Beam Layout

Framing plans

Blockworks drawings

Foundation Plan

Column Layout

Slab Layout

Roof Layout

Detailed view -CD Sets drawings by Advenser
Framing Plans- construction documentation sets by Advenser
Sectional views -CD sets done by Advenser

MEP Construction Drawings

MEP Construction Drawings are prepared to show the location, identification and installation details of all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) elements in a building. Our MEP modeling team puts in great care and forethought into developing the CD sets of MEP elements. We prepare integrated MEP CD sets through effective collaboration, coordination and team work with the client and with each other. Brand specifications, placement and identification details of all MEP equipment, parts and fixtures are also illustrated in the utility CD sets. We offer construction drawings for the following MEP trades:



Air Conditioning


Heating and Ventilation


Construction Documentation Sets by Advenser for HVAC industry
Construction Drawings sets by Advenser
Construction Documentation sets done for Medical Industry by Advenser

The Mechanical Construction Drawings will show the location and size of mechanical equipment, ductwork and air handling systems, Connection details are also provided in the detailed drawing set. Plumbing drawings provide the location and size of pipes to provide fresh water and dispose waste. The Electrical drawings set will illustrate the locations of all power and data outlets, lighting fixtures, switch boxes etc with wiring details and manufacture specifications.

CD sets done for renewable energy sector by Advenser

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