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Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) is a standard data format used in the data gathering of a building during its design and construction phases. This stored digital information is subsequently transferred to the operations and maintenance (O&M) team during facility management.

COBie helps in capturing and storing important project data at the point of origin, including product data sheets, equipment lists, warranties, spare parts lists etc. This information is vital to support operations, maintenance, and asset management once the built asset is in service.

Advenser can facilitate the delivery of COBie Data Drops in accordance with the client requirement by providing a wide range of services to manage, validate and deliver COBie on your project.

CoBie BIM Services

BIM Consulting

Advenser act as a strategic BIM partner to the client educating and training them

Off-Site BIM Team

An Offshore BIM team works just like a virtual extension of the client’s organization

BIM Implementation

Advenser adopts BIM implementation strategies depending on the standards

BIM Coordination

BIM allows a client to adopt sustainable designs for their construction projects

BIM Training

By partnering with us, companies can leverage the advantages of BIM

Integrated Project Delivery

Advenser, empower you to adopt integrated approach in project delivery

BIM Object Library

Custom Revit family creation is the process of creating a library of building products

On-Site BIM Support

Get expert assistance On-Site for your BIM projects from our team

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