Are BIM and Digital Twin the same..??

Are BIM and Digital Twin the same..??

Confused between BIM and Digital Twin..? Do these terms seem alike to you..? Don’t worry! This article intends to address such questions and help you understand BIM and Digital Twin Technology in a better way. First, let us understand what is Building Information...
Scan-to-BIM powered by AI and ML

Scan-to-BIM powered by AI and ML

Scan-to-BIM is the term often used these days in the BIM industry. There’s no doubt that Scan-to-BIM has made its way through and has become one of the most demanded and used technologies by the AEC members. Scan-to-BIM has emphatically influenced the AEC industry by...
The Rise of The Prefab Industry – A Sneak Peek

The Rise of The Prefab Industry – A Sneak Peek

The global construction industry in the year 2017 was estimated to be worth a staggering $17140 billion, and it was expected to reach $24334.9 billion in the year 2021 with an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR). This tremendous growth in the construction...
BIM for Smart Buildings

BIM for Smart Buildings

In the present era where more emphasis has been given to sustainability and sustainable buildings, shifting to constructing smart buildings was the paradigm shift the AEC industry underwent. The integration of modern technology & IoT (Internet of Things) was the...
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