FAQs on ISO 19650 that you may also wonder about!

FAQs on ISO 19650 that you may also wonder about!

What is ISO 19650? ISO 19650 is an internationally recognized standard developed to manage digital information throughout the life cycle of built assets using Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology. It provides a framework for the organization, exchange, and...
GeoBIM: Execution Plan and Process

GeoBIM: Execution Plan and Process

BIM (Building Information Modeling) and GIS (Geographic Information System) are two indispensable technologies, whose integration yields classic results. From our last 2 blogs (BIM and GIS Integration: Introduction and Importance in the AEC Industry and BIM and GIS...
BIM and GIS Integration: Implementation and Case Studies

BIM and GIS Integration: Implementation and Case Studies

In the previous blog, we understood BIM and GIS Integration and its basics, while in this blog, we will explore impactful case studies highlighting successful BIM and GIS integration projects. Witness the transformative influence on the AEC industry, shaping...
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