Point Cloud BIM Case study
27 Morely Street
Project Information
Building Type: Factory & Warehouse Building
Location: Ingleburn, Australia
Inputs: Architectural/Structural Drawings, Panel Take off, Steel Model
Deliverables: Tekla Model, GA & Shop Drawings, Machine Files
Software: Tekla
Services: Precast wall panel detailing
This multi-storied residential building was long and narrow in structure and had 3 levels. Situated in the USA, the project had a requirement for the creation of As-built BIM model of the building as well as the surrounding terrain and the fences on both sides width wise.
Our scope of work
Advenser has modeled the exterior as well as the interior of the residential building. The whole model was kept organized with layers for general separation of model components like walls, doors, joinery etc. Advenser’s architectural and structural team executed the BIM project in Autodesk 3ds Max 2015, Autodesk Recap 2015 & AutoCAD 2015. Inputs from the client team included Laser cloud data in .pts format, Real photographs of the building. Team Advenser delivered an as-built 3D model in .max & .dwg formats.
Autodesk 3ds Max 2015 & Autodesk Recap 2015 was used for point cloud scan to BIM conversion. It was also exported to cad format using AutoCAD 2015
Business Model Adopted
For the point cloud to As-built BIM modeling project 27 Morley Street, Advenser deployed a team of BIM engineers on an hourly billing business model.